HOBART's Generation 2012 PROFI FTN and PROFI CN Models Innovative technologies for significant reductions in operating costs
January 12, 2012 - HOBART has heralded improvements in every area while
reducing consumption in the company's new 2012 generation of PROFI FTN
flight-type and PROFI CN rack-type dishwashers. The Offenburgbased
warewashing manufacturer's new PROFI generation of appliances gives you
compelling performance across the board from features to usability –
with cost savings to boot.

| PROFI Generation 2012 models are significantly lower on water, detergent
and energy consumption thanks to innovative technologies in washing
processes, cutting operating costs by a further 15% compared to previous
models depending on load.
Equipped with the patented
energy-management system EFFICIENT as standard and optional exhaust heat
recovery, the new PROFI Generation 2012 models run on up to 10% less
power. This substantial reduction in water supply requirement gives you a
significant reduction in detergent, while the wash system CONTACTPLUS
and the triple rinse TRI ensure a perfect wash result. The optional
cleaning system PERMANENT CLEAN increases wash water quality by actively
removing large dirt particles from the pre-wash zone, thus avoiding
frequent water changes and reducing detergent consumption.
HOBART has made noticeable improvements to drying performance in
Generation 2012 – the patented dryer GUIDEAIR funnels the air via
channels and nozzles directly above and below the ware for faster
drying. The dryer GUIDEAIR guarantees perfect drying results for hollow
items such as cups, bowls and glasses.
Usability has seen a major
increase with the new electronic control SMARTRONIC. Apart from
switching the appliance on and off, SMARTRONIC automatically controls
all of the other functions in the appliance. In addition, cleaning the
appliances is quick and easy – the new cleaning aid makes manual
cleaning easier by continuously cleaning the nozzles from the inside
during operation to prevent soiling deposits.
HOBART provides an
optional filter-monitoring system to increase process reliability; the
monitoring system raises an alarm if soil filters are absent or have
been improperly fitted in the pre-wash and wash zones.
flight-type dishwasher PROFI FTN is available with optional conveyor
belt FREEFLOW that makes sure spray reaches every part of your washware –
even in varied washware loads.
More performance and usability,
lower consumption, and optimisation in every area – the world's largest
industrial warewashing equipment manufacturer's new PROFI generation
provides efficient, economical and reliable solutions for hotels,
restaurants and cafés, and community kitchens.